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Create the ideal digital workplace for generations X, Y and Z

Geplaatst 26 sep. 2024
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The modern workplace has become a dynamic environment where different generations work side by side. Generations X, Y, and Z each bring unique perspectives and expectations to the workplace. And, of course, you want to get the most out of this combination of employees. How do you create the best digital workplace for each generation, so they can collaborate and empower each other? Let's explore the differences between these generations and how to create an environment where everyone can thrive.

Who are generations X, Y, and Z?

Today, the majority of employees belong to Generation X, Y, or Z. They can be very mutually supportive if you provide the right digital working environment. Let's start by looking at the defining characteristics of Generations X, Y, and Z.

Generation X

They were born between 1965 and 1980. Over the years they have gained experience in traditional working environments. They are used to structured hierarchies and are looking for a better work-life balance. They value a digital workplace that offers flexible working hours, but also streamlined communication tools and access to knowledge resources to leverage their expertise. They communicate mainly by phone, email, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Important core values for this group include: independence, individualism, pragmatism, and authenticity.

Generation Y (Millennials)

Generation Y was born between 1981 and 1996. Words like technology and collaboration apply to them. In fact, they are known for their technological skills and their need for a sense of engagement and purpose in their work. Millennials want a digital workplace that allows them to use different technology tools and platforms to communicate and collaborate effectively. They value flexibility and autonomy in their work and expect opportunities for personal and professional development. This group communicates through a variety of channels including email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn, and phone calls. Although phone calls are used only for complex issues and questions.

Generation Z

They were born between 1997 and 2012 and are currently in high school, college, or university, or are entering the workforce. Generation Z has grown up in a world full of technology and diversity, including smartphones, social media, and constant connectivity. For them, a digital workplace that uses new technologies and digital communication channels is essential. They value inclusion and diversity in their work environment and want to have a voice in decision making. The digital workplace should provide a sense of connection and community. Gen Z communicates primarily through images, emojis, gifs, short videos, and livestreaming, and they can be reached primarily through WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and web-based chat services.

Enhancing cooperation between generations

Although each generation has different needs and preferences, they can reinforce and complement each other with the right digital workplace. Gen Xers can share their experience and expertise with younger generations, while being open to new technologies and ways of working. Millennials can share their technological knowledge and bring a fresh perspective to processes and innovation. Generation Z can bring new perspectives and encourage diversity.

5 tips for creating the best digital workplace

But you need to make sure that the digital workplace is set up properly for them so that these generations can mutually reinforce each other in the workplace. Here are 5 tips on how you can do this.

  1. FlexibilityOffer flexible working options such as hybrid working and flexible hours to meet the needs of Generation X and Millennials. For example, consider Microsoft Teams integration, which allows you to call and be called from an external number, wherever you work. It is also possible to use your Teams status to let others know if you are available for an incoming call. For example, if your status is set to 'do not disturb', you will not receive any calls and the caller will automatically be transferred to someone who is set to 'available'.You might also be interested in reading: External calling to and from mobile and fixed line numbers with Microsoft Teams
  2. TechnologyOffer a wide range of technology tools and platforms that are intuitive and easy to use to meet the needs of Gen Y and Gen Z. For example, consider an intranet that can be used on both a desktop and a smartphone. This allows everyone to choose how they interact with the organisation and each other.
  3. CooperationEncourage collaboration and knowledge sharing through digital collaboration platforms and communication tools. For example, share knowledge through a company-specific knowledge base where employees can search for information on their own. A knowledge base is also ideal for faster onboarding and training of new employees. Collaboration can be stimulated and organised more efficiently with our Process Assistant, which routes questions, requests, and tasks to the right people at the right time.
  4. DevelopmentProvide opportunities for personal and professional development, such as online courses and mentoring programmes. For example, by setting up a platform with a variety of courses.
  5. Diversity and inclusionCreate an inclusive culture where diversity is valued and everyone feels heard and valued. Again, one way to do this is through the intranet, where everyone has the opportunity to share with each other and with the organisation.

The ideal workplace for generations X, Y, and Z

Creating the best digital workplace for Gen X, Y, and Z means listening to their unique needs and harnessing the power of their diverse perspectives. By embracing flexibility, technology, collaboration, development, and diversity, you can create an environment where all generations can thrive. In other words, a digital workplace that fosters collaboration and enables everyone to succeed together.

At Pegamento, we are happy to help you create this digital workplace. We call it WorkplaceX: using the right components and technologies to create a digital workplace that makes all contact flows easy and smart. This enables employees to collaborate optimally with customers, colleagues, suppliers, machines, and the organisation. With the goal of empowering every employee to deliver unparalleled customer service. Feel free to contact us for a no obligation discussion.

Read our free white paper if you want to know more about WorkplaceX.

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