-  Het slimme netwerk waar studenten en professionals hun stage of baan vinden.

Het slimme netwerk waar studenten en professionals hun stage of baan vinden.

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Ans Exam

Ans is a hybrid digital and on-paper exam and assessment tool for educators. Provided as a SaaS solution, Ans is a flexible and rapidly developing web platform. Born of demand for modern, user-friendly and flexible digital examination tools among students and educators.
Ans is a fast-growing software scale-up in education technology and we are looking for enthusiastic pioneers to bring satisfying grading to educators across the globe. 🚀

Delft, NL
Actief in 10 landen
25 medewerkers
60% mannen - 40% vrouwen
Gemiddeld 26 jaar oud

Ans Exam


Ans is a hybrid digital and on-paper exam and assessment tool for educators. Provided as a SaaS solution, Ans is a flexible and rapidly developing web platform. Born of demand for modern, user-friendly and flexible digital examination tools among students and educators.
Ans is a fast-growing software scale-up in education technology and we are looking for enthusiastic pioneers to bring satisfying grading to educators across the globe. 🚀

Delft, NL
Actief in 10 landen
25 medewerkers
60% mannen - 40% vrouwen
Gemiddeld 26 jaar oud

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