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The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

Logo Lemon Scented Tea B.V.

Lemon Scented Tea B.V.

In a scattered media landscape, with highly adaptive competitors, it is vital to be authentic and consistent, while still grabbing the business opportunities before you.
A fine balance that we help our clients achieve every day by developing strategic brand positionings, creative concepts for internal and external campaigns, activations, and narratives for content, PR and social campaigns. All with the power of story in order to better connect and engage with people worldwide.

Marketing & Communication
Amsterdam, NL
Active in 3 countries
20 employees
50% men - 50% women
Average age is 30 years

Lemon Scented Tea B.V.


In a scattered media landscape, with highly adaptive competitors, it is vital to be authentic and consistent, while still grabbing the business opportunities before you.
A fine balance that we help our clients achieve every day by developing strategic brand positionings, creative concepts for internal and external campaigns, activations, and narratives for content, PR and social campaigns. All with the power of story in order to better connect and engage with people worldwide.

Marketing & Communication
Amsterdam, NL
Active in 3 countries
20 employees
50% men - 50% women
Average age is 30 years

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Interesting to know

We believe every strong brand has a great story to tell. A story that touches the heart and is easily remembered. Based on the brand’s story, we find, create and craft new storylines and bring them to life in exciting internal and external campaigns, activations, PR and social campaigns. We deliver brand growth with a core narrative that creates emotional engagement through every touchpoint, A to Z, customer to employee.

We believe every strong brand has a great story to tell. A story that touches the heart and is easily remembered. Based on the brand’s story, we find, create and craft new storylines and bring them to life in exciting internal and external campaigns, activations, PR and social campaigns. We deliver brand growth with a core narrative that creates emotional engagement through every touchpoint, A to Z, customer to employee.