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overview of business courses

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What is a business course?

A business course or masterclass is a great way to get to know a company.

How long is a business course?

A business course typically lasts a couple of days where you will be working on a case that you could also encounter on the job, with other selected candidates. You'll meet potential colleagues and there will probably be time for fun and drinks.

What are the benefits of taking a business course?

You will learn to value critical thinking in yourself and others when working closely with other selected candidates. You will work on developing your leadership and collaborative skills. During the business course companies also get the chance to assess your skills. A business course allows you to get to know the company and its employees better, giving you the opportunity to assess if you would like to work for a company like that in the future.

Who can take part in a business course?

Students with university degree in their last years of study are mainly invited for business courses. It is important that you have social and administrative background in terms of courses or projects within your studies.

When are business courses held?

Business courses take place all year round. The high season, however, is between September and May. During the summer period there are less business courses. Typically, you can register a few weeks before the course starts.

Where do business courses take place?

A business course usually takes place at the headquarters of the company but sometimes it can be held in a different branch across the country. Sometimes you visit multiple locations.

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  2. Skills for CV: Problem solving
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  4. How to choose a company to work for after graduating
  5. Job search beginning with what job should I do?
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