-  Het slimme netwerk waarop hbo‑ en wo‑studenten hun baan of stage vinden.

Het slimme netwerk waarop hbo‑ en wo‑studenten hun baan of stage vinden.

Logo Atelier Technology

Atelier Technology

Atelier Technology is a new breed of company, addressing structural inefficiencies in supply chains with technology that brands, retail or manufacturing orientated companies can struggle to develop internally.
We align exclusively with select partners working together to leverage our proprietary technology into their business process, delivering results that catapult them ahead of the innovation curve.
Atelier combines machine learning, big data and many more technologies to create demand and value by facilitating solutions previously thought of as out of reach.

Chandler's Ford, GB
4 medewerkers

Atelier Technology


Atelier Technology is a new breed of company, addressing structural inefficiencies in supply chains with technology that brands, retail or manufacturing orientated companies can struggle to develop internally.
We align exclusively with select partners working together to leverage our proprietary technology into their business process, delivering results that catapult them ahead of the innovation curve.
Atelier combines machine learning, big data and many more technologies to create demand and value by facilitating solutions previously thought of as out of reach.

Chandler's Ford, GB
4 medewerkers

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