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The smart network where students and professionals find their internship or job.

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Beta Career Event

The Beta Career Event is the annual career fair in Amsterdam for ambitious STEM students. The event is organized by the SBBA board, consisting of students from various STEM and technical disciplines. With a wide range of industries represented, BCE offers an excellent opportunity to connect with companies and explore career opportunities.

Amsterdam, NL
Active in 1 country
6 employees
80% men - 20% women
Average age is 22 years

Beta Career Event


The Beta Career Event is the annual career fair in Amsterdam for ambitious STEM students. The event is organized by the SBBA board, consisting of students from various STEM and technical disciplines. With a wide range of industries represented, BCE offers an excellent opportunity to connect with companies and explore career opportunities.

Amsterdam, NL
Active in 1 country
6 employees
80% men - 20% women
Average age is 22 years

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Interesting to know

The goal of the Bèta Career Event is to connect ambitious STEM students with companies from various industries, allowing them to explore career opportunities and network with potential employers. The event provides students with the chance to orient themselves towards their future careers, while companies gain the opportunity to meet talented technical and science-oriented students.

The goal of the Bèta Career Event is to connect ambitious STEM students with companies from various industries, allowing them to explore career opportunities and network with potential employers. The event provides students with the chance to orient themselves towards their future careers, while companies gain the opportunity to meet talented technical and science-oriented students.