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The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

Logo Amphenol Benelux B.V.

Amphenol Benelux B.V.

Amphenol is one of the largest manufacturers on the planet you’ve never heard of. Founded in 1932 and headquartered out of Connecticut, Amphenol is a Fortune 500 company with more than 80,000 employees throughout the world. Our products are a key ingredient in the electronic devices that you use every day. From the cell phone in your pocket and the car you drive, to the network equipment behind your favorite app and website, Amphenol products are everywhere.

Houten, NL
Active in 5 countries
60 employees
60% men - 40% women
Average age is 45 years

Amphenol Benelux B.V.


Amphenol is one of the largest manufacturers on the planet you’ve never heard of. Founded in 1932 and headquartered out of Connecticut, Amphenol is a Fortune 500 company with more than 80,000 employees throughout the world. Our products are a key ingredient in the electronic devices that you use every day. From the cell phone in your pocket and the car you drive, to the network equipment behind your favorite app and website, Amphenol products are everywhere.

Houten, NL
Active in 5 countries
60 employees
60% men - 40% women
Average age is 45 years

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Interesting to know

Bij Amphenol halen we doel en voldoening uit de wetenschap dat onze levensveranderende innovaties en producten technologieën mogelijk maken die het leven van mensen over de hele wereld verbeteren, het welzijn van onze werknemers en gemeenschappen ondersteunen en de gezondheid van onze planeet ondersteunen.

Bij Amphenol halen we doel en voldoening uit de wetenschap dat onze levensveranderende innovaties en producten technologieën mogelijk maken die het leven van mensen over de hele wereld verbeteren, het welzijn van onze werknemers en gemeenschappen ondersteunen en de gezondheid van onze planeet ondersteunen.