-  The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

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Effortlessly craft user manuals straight from the code with cutting-edge AI, delivering the smoothest, most user-friendly experience.
AI start-up built by experienced founders.

Amsterdam, NL
Active in 2 countries
3 employees
60% men - 40% women
Average age is 43 years



Effortlessly craft user manuals straight from the code with cutting-edge AI, delivering the smoothest, most user-friendly experience.
AI start-up built by experienced founders.

Amsterdam, NL
Active in 2 countries
3 employees
60% men - 40% women
Average age is 43 years

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Interesting to know

Effortlessly craft user manuals straight from the code with cutting-edge AI, delivering the smoothest, most user-friendly experience.

Effortlessly craft user manuals straight from the code with cutting-edge AI, delivering the smoothest, most user-friendly experience.