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The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

Logo Venture Capital for Hardware Venture Capital for Hardware is an accomplished team of financial experts, engineers, startup entrepreneurs and scientists. We understand what it’s like to build a successful startup because we have done it ourselves.

Venture capital & Private equity
Amstelveen, NL
Active in 2 countries
7 employees
100% men
Average age is 37 years Venture Capital for Hardware

Share: is an accomplished team of financial experts, engineers, startup entrepreneurs and scientists. We understand what it’s like to build a successful startup because we have done it ourselves.

Venture capital & Private equity
Amstelveen, NL
Active in 2 countries
7 employees
100% men
Average age is 37 years

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Interesting to know

We are looking for big thinkers, who want to turn innovations into commercial success by solving complex problems. We are, a VC firm specialized in investing in game-changing hardware innovations.

We are looking for big thinkers, who want to turn innovations into commercial success by solving complex problems. We are, a VC firm specialized in investing in game-changing hardware innovations.