blog - employers

LinkedIn vs. Why Recruiters should add to their toolkit

Dear recruiters, we get why you're glued to LinkedIn. After all, it's the go-to place for professional networking. There’s no denying it: This platform is so ingrained in our corporate lives that it's almost second nature to turn to it when we think of job hunting and recruitment. So, you might be thinking: "Why should I even bother with another platform?" Well, as a recruiter on LinkedIn, you’re probably all too familiar with the feeling of getting lost in a huge sea of posts, opportunities, and potential candidates. And the last thing you want is to waste time finding the perfect match, right? So without further ado, explore the 7 solid reasons why needs a spot in your recruitment strategy:

Tips for hiring interns

Are you looking to hire an intern, or multiple interns, but have no idea on how to go about this? No worries, we’ve got you! Below we have compiled a list with techniques you can use to attract interns to your company. Good luck!

What is the added value of a talent pool?

A commonly used technique in recruiting is to create a talent pool of interesting candidates. To apprehend the benefits of having a talent pool and how to set it up, it is important to first understand what a talent pool is.

Tips for hiring trainees

Are you looking to hire a trainee, or multiple trainees, but have no idea on how to go about this? No worries, we’ve got you! Below we have compiled a list with techniques you can use to attract trainees to your company. Good luck!