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Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics has a vacancy for a
PhD candidate in French linguistics, starting September 2025 (1.0 fte)
Project description/ Key responsibilities
Creole languages play a pivotal role in linguistics, as they have been argued to have unique properties setting them apart from other languages, due to their very specific conditions of emergence in colonies, through language contact between European and African languages. This hypothesis, known as “creole exceptionalism”, remains a subject of active debate. However, this debate has been mainly informed by data from higher-level linguistic structures (morphosyntax), with lower-level structures such as sound patterns receiving far less attention. This situation is due to the fact that the phonology and phonetics of creole languages are still largely understudied. The PhD project contributes to debates surrounding the position of creoles in linguistic typology through quantitative analyses of creole sound patterns, with a specific focus on French-based creoles. The PhD candidate will conduct an in-depth study of the sound patterns of one or more French-based creoles, using a combination of corpus data, experimental methods, and quantitative analyses. The data collected in the project will serve as a basis to reevaluate the position of French-based creoles within the typology of the world’s languages. Beyond deepening our understanding of French-based creoles, this project will contribute to better documenting and promoting these often socially marginalized languages.
The PhD candidate will also contribute to the course offerings in French linguistics and/or language proficiency within the French language and culture program.
Key responsibilities
Selection criteria
Research at our faculty/ institute
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is one of seven Institutes that falls under the Faculty of Humanities. With over 120 linguists working at the Institute, it is a rich research environment that prides itself on fostering scientific excellence. At LUCL we offer extensive research support to our researchers.
LUCL has a longstanding tradition in the study of the world’s languages and features unique linguistic expertise. Current theoretical insights are combined with modern experimental methods in its research profile area ‘Language Diversity in the World’. Researchers from our six umbrella research groups are experts in their respective fields but equally find innovative ways of collaborating with other fields and disciplines.
The Faculty of Humanities is rich in expertise in fields such as philosophy, religious studies, history, art history, literature, linguistics, and area studies covering nearly every region of the world. With its staff of 995, the faculty provides 27 master’s and 25 bachelor’s programmes for over 7,000 students based at locations in Leiden and in The Hague.
Terms and conditions
Appointment will be according to the terms of the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten). The employment will be for a period of four years (first a contract of 12 months with an extension of 36 months after positive evaluation of capabilities and compatibility), starting September 1st, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The appointment must lead to the completion of a PhD thesis. You are expected to work in Leiden.
The salary range for a PhD candidate is from € 2,901.- to € 3,707.- gross per month (pay-scale PhD candidates in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities), with substantial additional holiday and end-of-year bonuses. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.
Fostering an inclusive community is a central element of the values and vision of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.
For further information on this project please contact Benjamin Storme, email, or on practical matters Maarit van Gammeren, email
De Universiteit Leiden is één van Europa’s meest vooraanstaande internationale onderzoeksuniversiteiten. De universiteit heeft zeven faculteiten in het alfa-, bèta- en gammadomein, is gevestigd in Leiden en Den Haag en heeft ruim 6.700 medewerkers en 29.520 studenten. Haar motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bolwerk van Vrijheid.
Dankzij de bevlogen en betrokken medewerkers heeft de universiteit een leidende rol in wetenschappelijk onderzoek…
De Universiteit Leiden is één van Europa’s meest vooraanstaande internationale onderzoeksuniversiteiten. De universiteit heeft zeven faculteiten in het alfa-, bèta- en gammadomein, is gevestigd in Leiden en Den Haag en heeft ruim 6.700 medewerkers en 29.520 studenten. Haar motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bolwerk van Vrijheid.
Dankzij de bevlogen en betrokken medewerkers heeft de universiteit een leidende rol in wetenschappelijk onderzoek en onderwijs en scoort Leiden elk jaar zeer goed in toonaangevende rankings. De lat ligt dan ook hoog. Ongeacht welk werk u aan onze universiteit doet, u wordt altijd aangemoedigd om uw horizon te verbreden, uw talenten te ontplooien en het maximale uit uzelf te halen.
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