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Help us to gain more insight into how neurodivergent youth and their caregivers can be supported in safe media use. We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled assistant researcher to join our team on the DigAble project.
In DigAble we will 1) describe the needs and capacities of neurodivergent youth, their parents, educators, carers, and managers in this sector and how these should be matched with support, 2) gain insight into practice elements of media interventions for evidence on differential effects and 3) integrate findings from aim 1 and 2 to co-create an optimal decision-making framework for youth, their families, schools and care organizations, and professionals.
This project is a multi-methods study consisting of three work packages.
As one of the two assistant researchers, you will work with one of the postdoc researchers on aim 2, through systematic research synthesis, by coding studies for a systematic scoping review, co-developing a coding system for practice elements in media interventions, and contribute to coding and analysis for systematically synthesizing the effectiveness of interventions.
You will be part of a larger team of researchers (Hogeschool Windesheim, Hogeschool Leiden, Universiteit Utrecht) and experts from knowledge and educational organisations (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Practoraat Mediawijs, Nederlands Jeugdinstituut, Stichting Agora).
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Vrije University Amsterdam
About the department
The department of Education and Family Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a world-renowned research and education centre aiming to understand parenting and parent-child relationships within the family, of education, special education, child and family welfare, and long-term care for children and adults with a disability. We use knowledge from EFS itself, but also from psychology, neuroscience and social sciences. We use a variety of research methods, such as experiments, longitudinal questionnaire research, observations, interviews and normative-ethical reflection. Our researchers have established a large national and international network of collaborators from various disciplines. You will have access to training and professional development opportunities, as well as the chance to work with leading experts in the field of parenting and child development research. The research groups are part of the Learning sciences and Child rearing research programs of LEARN! research institute, and of the Amsterdam Public Health institute. The project is embedded within Viveon, the academic collaborative centre of ‘s Heeren Loo and VU.
Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences
Developing knowledge for an active, healthy and meaningful life: that is our mission at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences at VU Amsterdam. We maintain a broad focus on the fields of behaviour and health. Our teaching and research programmes are devoted to current developments in society. From healthy aging to e-health, and from training top athletes to social media as a teaching tool. We combine three academic disciplines: psychology, movement sciences and education. A multidisciplinary approach allows us to arrive at a better understanding of human behaviour and movement. Our aims are to help people live healthier lives, learn better and function better.
Are you interested in joining Behavioural and Movement Sciences? You are the kind of person who feels at home working in an ambitious faculty, with an informal atmosphere and short lines of communication. We offer you all the space you need for personal development. Together with your 630 colleagues, you will take care of about 4,200 students.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam stands for values-driven education and research. We are open-minded experts with the ability to think freely. - a broader mind. Maintaining an entrepreneurial perspective and concentrating on diversity, significance and humanity, we work on sustainable solutions with social impact. By joining forces, across the boundaries of disciplines, we work towards a better world for people and planet. Together we create a safe and respectful working and study climate, and an inspiring environment for education and research.
We are located on one physical campus, in the heart of Amsterdam's Zuidas business district, with excellent location and accessibility. Over 5,500 staff work at the VU and over 30,000 students attend academic education.
Diversity is the driving force of the VU. The VU wants to be accessible and receptive to diversity in disciplines, cultures, ideas, nationalities, beliefs, preferences and worldviews. We believe that trust, respect, interest and differences lead to new insights and innovation, to sharpness and clarity, to excellence and a broader understanding.
We stand for an inclusive community and believe that diversity and internationalisation contribute to the quality of education, research and our services.
Therefore, we are always searching for people whose backgrounds and experience contribute to the diversity of the VU community.
At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, we attach great importance to the societal impact of our education and research. Personal development and social involvement are key parts of our vision on education, in which individual differences are seen as a strength. This allows us to develop innovations and insights that contribute to a better world.
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