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healthcare vacancies in the Netherlands

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Vacancies > Netherlands > Healthcare

Are you looking to find healthcare jobs, internships or traineeships?

With a degree in healthcare, you can become one of many professions such as a medical assistant, carer, dental hygienist etc. In order to successfully start your career, you can get to know your different options via a healthcare traineeship or internship in a suitable for you company. There are many healthcare related firms in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom, both large and small, so there is enough to choose from as a graduate.

Find your perfect healthcare internship, graduate job, graduate scheme or traineeship.

What are the most popular companies for healthcare jobs?

The most popular companies for healthcare jobs are

  1. Opvallers
  2. Bender Groep
  3. High Select
  4. HappyNurse

Which companies have the highest number of open healthcare vacancies?

The companies with the highest number of healthcare vacancies are

  1. HappyNurse (908)
  2. Mentaal Beter (161)
  3. PsyQ NL (144)
  4. Lentis (97)
  1. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Open verpleegkundige
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  2. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Algemene operatieassistent
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  3. Your career starts on

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  4. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Apothekersassistent Thuismedicatie
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 6 - 10 years experience
    • WO
  5. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    MBB'er Radiologie en Nucleaire Geneeskunde
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO
  6. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    MBB'er radiotherapie fotonen én protonen
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 7 - 12 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  7. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    MBB'er Radiotherapie en Radiologie
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  8. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Radiotherapeutisch laborant / MBB'er Radiotherapie
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 7 - 12 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  9. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Apothekersassistent Poliklinische Apotheek Hoofdingang
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 6 - 10 years experience
    • WO
  10. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Recovery en PACU verpleegkundige in opleiding
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO
  11. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Recovery en PACU verpleegkundige
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  12. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Recovery verpleegkundige in de WorkFlow
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  13. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    ANIOS Chirurgie afdeling Heelkunde
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 0 - 1 year experience
    • WO
  14. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Anios Hematologie
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • WO
  15. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Bedrijfsarts Arbodienst
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • WO
  16. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    ANIOS Spoedeisende Hulp
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • WO
  17. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
  18. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Gespecialiseerd verpleegkundige Hematologie
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO
  19. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
  20. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Verpleegkundige Kliniek Hoofd-hals
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 0 - 3 years experience
    • HBO
  21. Logo Erasmus MC
    Erasmus MC
    10,000 employees
    Oncologieverpleegkundige kliniek Interne Oncologie
    Rotterdam, NL
    • 1 - 4 years experience
    • HBO or WO