-  The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

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Our mission is to make feedback better for everyone, to empower the conversation. Joining Starred means you'll be working with ambitious people, who empower one another to do their very best work. That also goes for celebrating success and enjoying life!
We believe cultural diversity benefits companies in countless ways, therefore we now have 15 nationalities in our team and we'd like this number to grow.
Want to be part of it? Check out our vacancies!

Amsterdam, NL
Active in 2 countries
20 employees
60% men - 40% women
Average age is 30 years



Our mission is to make feedback better for everyone, to empower the conversation. Joining Starred means you'll be working with ambitious people, who empower one another to do their very best work. That also goes for celebrating success and enjoying life!
We believe cultural diversity benefits companies in countless ways, therefore we now have 15 nationalities in our team and we'd like this number to grow.
Want to be part of it? Check out our vacancies!

Amsterdam, NL
Active in 2 countries
20 employees
60% men - 40% women
Average age is 30 years

Your career starts on

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At this moment there are no open jobs at Starred.Please check again later.

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