-  The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

Logo Verdify


Our mission is to make healthy and sustainable eating easy and enjoyable for everyone, everywhere using true personalisation.
Deze bedrijfspagina is automatisch gegenereerd en bevat daarom nog weinig informatie. Je vindt meer informatie over Verdify op hun website:

Foods & Beverages
Wageningen, NL
Active in 1 country
20 employees



Our mission is to make healthy and sustainable eating easy and enjoyable for everyone, everywhere using true personalisation.
Deze bedrijfspagina is automatisch gegenereerd en bevat daarom nog weinig informatie. Je vindt meer informatie over Verdify op hun website:

Foods & Beverages
Wageningen, NL
Active in 1 country
20 employees

Your career starts on

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At this moment there are no open jobs at Verdify.Please check again later.

Interesting to know

Verdify aims to create lasting impact on people’s lives through enjoyable, healthy and sustainable eating.

Verdify aims to create lasting impact on people’s lives through enjoyable, healthy and sustainable eating.