Navigating Career Paths: TOPdesk’s Commitment to Personal Development

Reading time: 7 minutes

Personal and professional development plays a key role in job satisfaction, especially for those just starting their careers. According to research by, 49% of job satisfaction depends on the opportunities for advancement. TOPdesk distinguishes itself as an employer by actively supporting the growth of its employees with initiatives like “10 to Grow,” a program that provides employees with a budget and time for personal and professional development, as well as opportunities for a career switch to IT.

To gain insight into how TOPdesk shapes these development trajectories, we spoke with Luke van Velthoven, Talent Lead at TOPdesk, responsible for guiding and encouraging colleagues through new work challenges. We also talked to Galina Todorova, an online marketer, who benefits from the development opportunities within TOPdesk.

Talent Lead at TOPdesk

Luke, who began his career as a journalist and then worked as a Copywriter at TOPdesk, is now active as a Talent Lead. He is dedicated to supporting employees by offering them challenges and guidance that stimulate their growth. Appropriately, his own career path serves as an excellent example of how one can successfully grow and develop within an organization.

But for colleagues who fit well with the organization, not skimping on a coaching trajectory is where your impact lies.

Luke van Velthoven - Talent Lead @TOPdesk

What does the role of Talent Lead mean to you?

“As a Talent Lead at TOPdesk, you are essentially responsible for guiding all colleagues that our recruiters bring in as well as possible. Are they true TOPdeskers? Then you stimulate their intrinsic motivation through new work challenges or an interesting course alongside their work. Guiding talent and binding them to our organization is, in fact, the most important thing you can do as a Talent Lead. If the match with TOPdesk isn’t there? Then it’s probably also better for the other person if they eventually find a job where it does fit. Helping people make that choice is also an important aspect of the role.”

How do you help with the personal and professional growth of your colleagues?

“Sometimes you have colleagues who are actually doing well. What happens then? Your focus shifts like the Eye of Sauron to less performing colleagues. Don’t do that! Of course, eventually, you may have to make a tough decision and let someone go, but helping excellently performing people further is where your value lies. For example, I had a team member who I could see sitting in her team coordinator’s chair in a few years. Her problem? Perfectionism. I inquired about it as best as possible, and ultimately, she sought coaching in that area. It may feel small and trivial when you do it. But for colleagues who fit well with the organization, not skimping on a coaching trajectory is where your impact lies.”

From Online Marketer to Graphic Designer

Galina Todorova, now transitioning from Online Marketer to Graphic Designer at TOPdesk through the “10 to Grow” program, studied International Business Administration and obtained a Master in Marketing Management at Tilburg University. After her studies, she discovered TOPdesk and was attracted by the company culture and growth opportunities, after which she successfully applied as a Junior Online Marketer to further develop her marketing skills.

My colleagues at TOPdesk have been incredibly supportive of this decision and have taught me a lot about design in practice.

Galina Todorova - Online Marketeer @TOPdesk

How has TOPdesk contributed to your professional development?

“Thanks to the ’10 to Grow’ budget, I was able to delve into ‘Data visualization and storytelling,’ a skill that is essential in my current role. TOPdesk has not only given me the space to grow in my current position but also supports me in my development towards a new role. I am currently making the transition to the role of Graphic Designer because I want to further develop my creative skills. My colleagues at TOPdesk have been incredibly supportive of this decision and have taught me a lot about design in practice. In addition, I am using my ’10 to Grow’ budget for courses in InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and more.”

How do you see your future at TOPdesk?

“In the future, I see myself further developing as a graphic designer at TOPdesk, creating impactful campaigns and other creative materials for our global brand. I greatly appreciate being able to gain experience and grow in my role, but also that I get the chance to explore projects outside the company with my ’10 to Grow’ budget. This provides the opportunity to try different things and keeps the work interesting. In the long term, I might want to become a UX Designer, which is also possible within TOPdesk. I believe this is something I can easily learn by collaborating with colleagues, through courses, and so on.

Advice for students

Finally, we asked Luke and Galina for advice for students who value personal development and advancement opportunities in their search for a first job.

Luke: “Don’t be afraid to make choices and just jump into an organization if you’re curious. During my studies, and also in my time before TOPdesk, I had plenty of jobs and did work that I ultimately wasn’t happy with. However, I found almost all of it to be valuable experiences. Sometimes I’m a bit afraid that young colleagues want to land their dream job at 25 years old, and anything longer is just annoying. Learning from less pleasant challenges, “just putting in the miles,” are all periods in your work life that you shouldn’t underestimate in value.”

Galina: “Personally, I would choose something that could potentially be interesting and look for a company with a good and open culture, where you get the space to explore your interests and experiment. I think this is a very good environment, especially if you’re unsure about your career path, because you can gain work experience in different fields and discover what you like and don’t like. With time, you’ll hopefully get a better idea of what you want to pursue and can proceed from there.”

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