Interview | Lewis Jansen, M&A Data Analyst at Deloitte

Reading time: 5 minutes

Working in data and tech offers a wide range of opportunities, but navigating the complex realm can be challenging. What motivates professionals at Deloitte? And what journey did their career take them on? In this interview, we invite you to explore the answers to these questions through the eyes of Lewis Jansen, a member of Deloitte’s M&A analytics team. Lewis shares his academic and career adventures, shedding light on the pivotal moments that brought him to his current role. He discusses the excitement of working in a field that seamlessly blends his dual passions for data and business. Join us as we delve into his insights and gain a glimpse into the dynamic world of M&A data analytics at Deloitte.

What did you do before starting at Deloitte?

Before joining Deloitte, I obtained a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, followed by a Master’s in Data Science from Tilburg University. During my studies, I followed a financial management minor in Germany in Frankfurt am Main. Beyond academics, I served the boards of two student unions and immersed myself into artist photography. My professional journey began at a Dutch bank as a graduation intern. After working there full-time for over 2 years, I began discovering my passion for data and strategy.

How are you experiencing your role so far?

Since my role at Deloitte, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it. It brilliantly combines my dual passions: data and business. Each day is unique, depending on the project. Sometimes I’m solo; other times, I’m collaborating closely with a team. That team can be one or more of my team members in Data Analytics or colleagues from the other M&A teams such as Transaction Services, Debt & Capital Advisory or Value Creation Services (VCS). One thing’s for sure: data preparation is key. As they say, “clean data in, clean data out.” After that, it’s an open canvas to get creative with analyses.

The diversity in clients keeps me on my toes – from healthcare to Software as a Service (SaaS). Projects often shift gears rapidly, ranging from a few weeks to several months. This ensures there’s never a dull moment. My days often involve swift team meetings and client meet-ups, either to gather more details or to clarify points. Plus, being part of the broader data community is a great way to learn from colleagues across other Analytics business lines such as Risk Adivsory, Audit and Consultancy.

What is your experience in working for Deloitte?

Being part of Deloitte has been a great experience. The people and culture definitely stand out. The work is fast-paced and the intelligence of the colleagues surrounding you is inspiring. I learned to work with various programs such as Alteryx, Tableau, PowerQuery and PowerBI in the first few months in addition to occasionally working with Python and SQL.

Our data analytics team has grown, from a tight-knit group of 6 when I joined, to 15 now. And, while we’re a compact unit, we’re seamlessly integrated with the larger VCS team. Outside of daily work, there are plenty of team events. You’re never compelled to join, but they are a lot of fun!

What information or insights did you wish you had before stepping into your current role?

Before stepping into my role at Deloitte, it would have been great to know just how fun the journey would be. For students considering this path: yes, you’ll work hard, but the rewards are worth it! The pace is fast, but it’s also inspiring, allowing you to grow alongside some of the brightest minds. Our M&A Data Analytics team, though intimate, is a pool of talent thriving within the team of VCS. The teams celebrate successes, big or small and discuss challenges together. From padel tournaments to other team events, we never fail to have fun (after work). If you join with enthusiasm, you’ll discover a role that’s as rewarding as it is challenging.

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