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The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

consulting business courses in Amsterdam

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Vacancies > Business Courses > Amsterdam, Netherlands > Consulting

  1. Logo Roland Berger
    Roland Berger
    Management Consulting
    130 employees
    Business Course The Hub 2024
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 15 October 2024
    • Business Course
    • 12 Nov - 16 Nov 2024
    • 0 - 2 years experience
    • WO Bachelor
  2. Logo Roland Berger
    Roland Berger
    Management Consulting
    130 employees
    Female Mentorship Program
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 10 November 2024
    • Business Course
    • 15 Jan - 9 Apr 2025
    • 0 - 2 years experience
    • WO Master