A Glimpse into Mars’ Internship Programs with Brand Marketing Intern Mirthe

Reading time: 5 minutes

Curious about a career in the FMCG industry? The Brand Marketing Internship at Mars offers students an exciting introduction to this fast-paced sector. Mirthe Janssen is currently a brand marketing intern at Mars, involved in exciting projects for well-known products. Check out our interview with Mirthe to find out what her job involves, how she's developing professionally, her plans for the future, and get some useful tips for starting your career.

Can you tell us more about the internship?

As an intern at Mars, you're involved in a variety of ongoing projects. I'm currently assigned to the Petcare department, responsible for briefing promotions of new products, approving packaging, updating websites, creating brand pages, and much more. In addition, you're engaged in all ongoing projects, have the opportunity to get acquainted with and shadow other departments, and I've been able to participate in the Dierenlot Foundation expo and volunteer days at the animal shelter.

During my graduation, I also spend one day per week writing a thesis for Mars. I have five more weeks before it's due, and I'm busy addressing all the sub-questions. The great thing about writing a thesis for Mars is that you can ask many questions and receive ample information from various individuals, which provides enough data to achieve the best results.

Why is Mars a good fit for you?

Mars is a good fit for me because I am very driven and eager to continue growing. Currently, at 20 years old, I've consciously decided not to pursue a master's degree. I believe it's important to gain practical experience, and I have no trouble working. If I decide to further my studies in the future, I can always do that in a few years. Additionally, I greatly value the company culture at Mars. Everyone is very social, helpful, and willing to answer questions.

How does this role contribute to your development?

My internship at Mars is enhancing my personal development by helping me improve my objectives. Before my internship, I set two goals. The first is to make my voice heard more, both during meetings and in personal conversations. At the beginning of my internship, I found it very daunting to express my opinion or ask questions when I didn't understand something. I've learned that it's very important and that nobody minds if you ask questions. It's better to ask if you're unsure than to remain in doubt!

The second goal is not to be afraid of making mistakes but to see them as learning opportunities. I wanted to do everything right immediately, which sometimes made me linger too long on the same issue. I've learned that you just need to act and that you can learn from mistakes. Everyone has been in the same position as I am now, so it's okay to make mistakes.

What does your future look like within or outside Mars?

I'm still finishing my degree, but I'm exploring different roles within Mars. There are many different positions within Mars that offer development and advancement opportunities. Currently, the role of field sales appeals to me a lot. This involves traveling to clients to discuss upcoming actions. I've already spent a day shadowing and in a few weeks, I'll spend another day to see if it's really for me. Based on that, I'll schedule discussions and explore the possibilities.

What advice would you give to students at the start of their career?

It's hard to say, as I'm at the beginning of my career myself, but something I've learned is that it's very important to be proactive and not be afraid that you can't do something. You just need to seize it with both hands and go for it!

If you want to learn more about Mars or stay updated about the career opportunities within the company, connect with Mars on Magnet.me via this link.