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healthcare vacancies in Amsterdam

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Vacancies > Amsterdam, Netherlands > Healthcare

  1. Logo High Select
    High Select
    100 employees
    Traineeship Gezondheidsrecht
    Amsterdam, NL
    • €2,600 - €2,800 per month
    • Traineeship
    • 0 - 3 years experience
    • WO Master
  2. Logo Traineeships Gemeente Amsterdam
    Traineeships Gemeente Amsterdam
    18,000 employees
    Verpleegkundige voor het team Infectieziektebestrijding
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 2 October 2024
    • €3,317 - €4,752 per month
    • Part-time
    • 1 - 3 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  3. Your career starts on

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  4. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Research verpleegkundige B
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 7 October 2024
    • €3,401 - €4,816 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  5. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Islamitisch Geestelijk verzorger
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 4 October 2024
    • €4,678 - €6,402 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • WO Bachelor
  6. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Opleiding tot anesthesiemedewerker
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: in 2 days
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  7. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 1 October 2024
    • €3,746 - €5,483 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  8. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Sociotherapeut MPU-kind en jeugd
    Amsterdam, NL
    • €2,975 - €4,482 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  9. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Student Administratief Medewerker I Divisie Neuro/Hoofd-Hals
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: in 4 days
    • €2,574 - €3,255 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  10. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Kinderverpleegkundige Het Jeroen Pit Huis
    Amsterdam, NL
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  11. Logo Amsta
    3,000 employees
    Kwaliteitsverpleegkundige | Jonge mensen met dementie
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 30 September 2024
    • €2,495 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  12. Logo Stichting Studiezalen
    Stichting Studiezalen
    Non-profit & Charity
    15 employees
    Oudercoach / Gezinscoach
    Amsterdam, NL
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  13. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Arts-onderzoeker vaccinatie studie Infectieziekten
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: in 5 days
    • €3,493 - €5,504 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • WO Master
  14. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    IC verpleegkundige in opleiding
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 10 October 2024
    • €2,975 - €4,214 per month
    • 1 - 3 years experience
    • HBO
  15. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Amsterdam, NL
    • €3,330 - €4,429 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  16. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Doktersassistent Expertisecentrum Post-COVID
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 1 October 2024
    • €2,504 - €3,486 per month
    • 1 - 3 years experience
    • WO Bachelor
  17. Logo Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    Amsterdam UMC (Universitair Medische Centra)
    1,000 employees
    Recoveryverpleegkundige PACU
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 3 October 2024
    • €3,925 - €5,158 per month
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO
  18. Logo Ludens kinderopvang
    Ludens kinderopvang
    Non-profit & Charity
    600 employees
    Pedagogisch medewerker
    Amsterdam, NL
    • €2,539 - €3,489 per month
    • Part-time
    • 1 - 3 years experience
    • HBO or WO
  19. Logo University of Amsterdam
    University of Amsterdam
    6,000 employees
    Clinical Teaching Fellow Amsterdam Law Clinics
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 3 October 2024
    • 3 - 5 years experience
    • WO Master
  20. Logo University of Amsterdam
    University of Amsterdam
    6,000 employees
    Clinical Teaching Fellow Amsterdam Law Clinics
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: 3 October 2024
    • 3 - 5 years experience
    • WO Master
  21. Logo University of Amsterdam
    University of Amsterdam
    6,000 employees
    Vertrouwenspersoon FdR
    Amsterdam, NLDeadline: tomorrow
    • 0 - 7 years experience
    • HBO