Interview Jasper Doornbos – Junior Consultant at &samhoud

Reading time: 5 minutes

Have you always wondered what working as a consultant is like? We spoke with a number of entry-level consultants in the consultancy industry. Through this series of interviews, you will discover what it’s like to work as a consultant at &samhoud, Accenture and Roland Berger.

Our third interviewee is Jasper Doornbos, a Junior Consultant at &samhoud. Keep reading to learn more about his work as a consultant, why your workday is always interesting at &samhoud and what makes the culture and atmosphere at the company so warm and welcoming.

What is your full name and what is your position at &samhoud?

My name is Jasper Doornbos, and I have been working as a Junior Consultant at &samhoud for a year and a half now.

What did you do before starting at &samhoud?

In 2016, I went to study the Business Administration Bachelor at the University of Groningen. Besides, I went to Finland as part of my studies for half a year in the third year of my Bachelor, and studied at the University of Tampere. During my studies, I joined student boards and committees at various associations and gained work experience abroad. After my Bachelor, I completed my studies with a Master’s degree in Change Management at the University of Groningen and then started my internship Strategy & Change at &samhoud.

How do you experience your role as a Junior Consultant?

As a Junior Consultant at &samhoud, you quickly receive a lot of freedom and responsibility under good supervision. As well as having a diverse role, you also come into contact with projects for well-known (Dutch) organisations soon after starting. You learn a lot in a short period of time during these projects, as you often work together with (senior) colleagues from &samhoud. Your workday is never boring as you are often working on multiple projects and get to know lots of new people. For this reason, mastering project management is very important, which you learn more about during your work.

What’s great about a typical workday at &samhoud is that you can never quite predict which fun things you get to work on. You could have an appointment with a customer, conduct an analysis with your team, have prep sessions, do training courses or have coffee with a colleague.

What is your experience in working for &samhoud and what stands out to you?

What makes working at &samhoud special for me is that work often doesn’t feel like work. On most days, it just feels like you’re chilling with your friends, as the atmosphere and culture are both very warm. This is also strongly reflected in &samhoud’s core values, which you really experience among the employees here: authenticity, intensity, friendship and playfulness. I would describe the culture as very human and ‘real’ as everyone is able to be themselves here.

&samhoud’s care for their employees is also something that makes working here unique, especially with the (special) training, trips/travel and personal coaching and guidance. Furthermore, &samhoud’s ultimate social goal as a company appeals to me because the focus of many of our projects is on contributing to a better world.

In conclusion, I think it’s really nice that you get a lot of freedom and can learn so much at &samhoud. Our culture embraces the entrepreneurial spirit, which means that having a good idea can easily lead to getting the space to further think about and develop it.

What is something you wish you knew before you started working in your role as Junior Consultant?

I actually didn’t know that &samhoud had such cool clients before I started working here, but even as a relatively small consultancy firm, you can work for top, often C-level companies in the Netherlands. This means that you come into contact with many capable and inspiring people on a daily basis, which makes work more fun and fulfilling in my opinion.

In addition to this, &samhoud devotes an enormous amount of energy to our personal growth and development. They also invest a lot in making sure you’re experiencing a good work-life balance with an emphasis on energy balance.

Can’t wait to get started as a Junior Consultant or do you want to stay up-to-date on other job openings at &samhoud? Connect with &samhoud on via this link.