-  The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

The smart network where hbo and wo students find their internship and first job.

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You’re looking for something a little different.
We’re not the “standard” corporate finance partner for financial and strategic advice. We want to make a difference for companies who want to make a difference. Companies with purpose.
Impulse helps innovative (clean)tech companies take the next step and understands that investing is about much more than raising growth capital.
We’re more interested in helping companies grow in the healthiest way possible.

Finance & Banking
Utrecht, NL
Active in 1 country
6 employees
100% men
Average age is 31 years



You’re looking for something a little different.
We’re not the “standard” corporate finance partner for financial and strategic advice. We want to make a difference for companies who want to make a difference. Companies with purpose.
Impulse helps innovative (clean)tech companies take the next step and understands that investing is about much more than raising growth capital.
We’re more interested in helping companies grow in the healthiest way possible.

Finance & Banking
Utrecht, NL
Active in 1 country
6 employees
100% men
Average age is 31 years

Your career starts on

Create a profile and receive connection requests from interested companies.

Interesting to know

To solve our generation’s challenges, we need to combine more sensible behaviour with better technological solutions.

By committing to the right projects, we influence the narrative and allow capital to flow towards companies and entrepreneurs that are worth funding.

To solve our generation’s challenges, we need to combine more sensible behaviour with better technological solutions.

By committing to the right projects, we influence the narrative and allow capital to flow towards companies and entrepreneurs that are worth funding.