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How to go green at work

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our generation. More and more students and young professionals show an interest in a career that contributes to the preservation of our planet. If you would like to start a green career you should, obviously, apply for a job at a green employer. But what if you are not looking for a new job? We spoke with The Green Branch, an organisation specialized in carbon compensation, about the things you can do to make your current job a bit more sustainable. 


Focus on the things you can do

If you want your career to become more sustainable, it starts with you. Even if your employer does not support sustainable initiatives, there are plenty of things you can do yourself. 

According to Jacob Hietink, Co-founder of The Green Branch: ” Learn about sustainable options, both at home and at the office. Stay loyal to the most sustainable option rather than the one that is the most common”.

Don’t print paper too often. Don’t waste energy unnecessarily. Unplug devices you don’t use and turn off the office lights during the day if possible. Also, there’s no need to rush. When you’re late, you’re late. When driving 70 km/h instead of 50 km/h over a distance of 5 km: you will only save 1 minute and 42 seconds. Unfortunately, the faster you drive the more emissions you produce.


Start the conversation

It may be that the company you work for is not (yet) green, or has already taken baby steps. Either way, you would like your employer to step up its efforts. Try to make sustainability a topic for discussion and think one step at a time. Just a small conversation with your employer could lead to bigger changes in your workplace. For example, propose recyclingbins at the office or introduce meatless Monday during lunch.

If you want to start the conversation with your employer about sustainability at work, it is important to explain the benefits for the company. Use relevant arguments, such as that the younger generations have a growing interest in sustainable employers. 


Compensate your CO2 emissions

Are you wearing an itchy sweater to keep yourself warm at the office, is your lunch vegan and has your printer been officially banned? Hurray! You’re  already doing a great job. If you want to make an even bigger impact, you can!  Together with your team, you can calculate your carbon footprint and compensate for your emission.

The Green Branch Co-founder Jacob: “To become a net zero company, you have to take responsibility for the irreduceable emissions and compensate.”

If you are looking for a new (sustainable) internship or job. On April 22, it is Earth Day like every other year and because we want to do our part, just like our users, we are planting a tree for every new profile! Read more here to find out how you participate.

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